井上 浩一/イノウエ コウイチ/Koichi Inoue
所属 | 【学部】 機械システム工学科 【大学院】 環境工学専攻 機械システムコース |
役職/職名 | 教授 | |
学位(授与機関) | 博士(工学)(九州大学) | |
担当科目 | 【学部】 伝熱工学・同演習、熱・物質移動工学、機械工学基礎、機械工学実験Ⅱ、物理実験基礎、コミュニケーション演習 【大学院】 伝熱工学特論 |
略歴 |
1997- 三菱重工業株式会社 |
専門分野 | 熱工学 |
1. Microgravity Flow Boiling in a Transparent Tube, Proc. 4th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conf., Vol.4, pp.547-554 (1995)
2. Heat Transfer in Microgravity Nucleate Boiling on a Transparent Heating Surface, Fluids in Space, Ed. A., Viviani, European Space Agency, European low Gravity Research Association, pp.509-514 (1996)
3. Heat Transfer in Nucleate Pool Boiling under Microgravity Condition, Heat Transfer 1998, Ed. J.S. Lee, Taylor & Francis, Inc., Vol.2, pp.401-406 (1998)
4. Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in Microgravity, Heat Transfer Research, Vol.29, Nos. 1-3, pp.196-207 (1998)
5. Analysis of Gravity Effect on Two-phase Forced Convective Heat Transfer in Annular Flow Regime, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Multiphase Flow, No.389, 8 pages (1998)
6. Experimental Study on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in an Extremely Small Tube, Proc. ASME ICNMM2006, 9pages (2006)
7. Experimental Study on Heat and Mass Transfer from Humid Air on Horizontal Tube Banks, Proc. the 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, 7 pages (2006)
8. Development of Heating Surface for Microgravity Boiling Experiments, Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application, Vol.24, No.1, pp71-76 (2007)
9. Experimental Investigation on Observed Scattering in Heat Transfer Characteristics for Flow Boiling in a Small Diameter Tube, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.30, No.1-2, pp.19-27 (2009)
10. Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Vertical Fluid Layers of High Aspect Ratio, Proc. ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Conference, AJTEC2011-44225 6pages (2011)
11. Experiments on Dominant Force Regimes in Flow Boiling Using Mini-tubes, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 3, Issue 4 (2012)
12. Experimental Study on Condensate Inundation for Condensation of Horizontally Flowing Steam in a Large Condenser Tube Bundle, Proc. the ASME 2012 Power Conference (2012)
13. Experimental Investigation on Natural Convection in Vertical Air layer with PIV, Proc. the 27th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, ISTP27-145, 6 pages (2016)
14. Thermo-fluid dynamics of pulsating heat pipes for LED lightings, Journals of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 16-00160, 12pages (2016)
15. Experimental Study on Multicellular Natural Convection in a Tall Air Layer, Proc. the 28th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, 6 pages (2017)
16. Brief Report of Two-phase Flow Experiment on-board ISS, Proc. 12th Asian Microgravity Symposium, Paper No. AMS2018-156 (2018)
17. Experimental Study on Flow Patterns of Natural Convection in Vertical Enclosures, Proc. the 30th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, pp.49-54 (2019)
18. Gas-liquid Interfacial Structure Observed in Boiling Two-phase Flow Experiment under Microgravity in International Space Station, Proc. the 30th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, pp.593-597 (2019)
19. Characteristics of flow boiling in transparent glass heating tube under microgravity onboard ISS, Proc. the 30th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, pp.646-647 (2019)
20. Liquid film structure of annular flows under microgravity - Results of TPF experiments onboard International Space Station, Proc. 26th European Low Gravity Research Association Biennial Symposium and General Assembly/ 14th International Conference on "Two-Phase Systems for Space and Ground Applications” European Space Agency Topical Teams meetings (2019)
21. Heat Loss Analysis for Accurate Evaluation of Fluid Conditions at Test Section in Flow Boiling Experiments onboard International Space Station, Proc. 26th European Low Gravity Research Association Biennial Symposium and General Assembly/ 14th International Conference on "Two-Phase Systems for Space and Ground Applications” European Space Agency Topical Teams meetings (2019)
1. 蒸気タービンの中間胴及び復水器、国内特許 第3690973号
2. 多段圧復水器、国内特許 第3706571号
3. 原子力発電プラント、国内特許 第3970001号(社団法人発明協会 平成21年度近畿発明表彰、発明奨励賞)
4. 熱交換器及びタービン設備、国内特許 第3897474号
5. 空冷式熱交換器のフィンチューブ防振方法、国内特許 第4138161号
6. 復水器、国内特許 第4240693号
7. 給水加熱器、国内特許 第3970001号
8. Multistage pressure condenser, 米国特許 US6814345
9. Structures of pipe plate unit for heat exchangers and method of replacement for the pipe plant unit, 米国特許 US6896042
10. Multistage pressure condenser, 米国特許 US7111832
11. 多湿気体の冷却方法及び装置、国内特許、第5010324号
12. LED投光器、国内特許、第6150373号
13. LEDの実装方法及びLED照明器、国内特許、特願2013-14885
14. 冷却装置及び冷却装置を備えた照明装置、国内特許、特開2018-174184
1. JAXAプロジェクト、国際宇宙ステーション「きぼう」での沸騰二相流(TPF)実験、CI、2018-
2. 日本機械学会九州支部、福岡東地区 地区長、2018-2019
3. 国土交通省九州地方整備局、緊急災害対策派遣ドクター(TEC-DOCTOR)、2017-
4. 日本機械学会、会員部会、2017-2018
5. 日本機械学会九州支部、会員担当幹事、2017-2018
6. 日本機械学会九州支部、地区長会 会長、2017-2018
7. 日本混相流学会、評議員、2017-2019
8. 国土交通省九州地方整備局、古川排水機場主原動機故障調査検討会 委員、2015-2016
9. 国土交通省九州地方整備局、銀杏木排水機場主原動機故障調査検討委員会 委員長、2013-2015
10. 日本混相流学会、論文審査委員、2013-2017
11. ひびきのLEDアプリケーション創出協議会 高輝度LED照明研究会 会長、2011-2019